General News of Sunday, 22 August 2004

Source: --

Ghana to Embark on Judicial Modernization and Reform- CJ

Chicago-August 22 2004 -- Visiting Chief Justice of the Republic of Ghana, Honorable Justice George Kingsly Acquah, announced in Chicago that the judicial system of Ghana is on the verge of modernization and major reform to cope with the growing demand on the judicial service in the country.

The visit which was sponsored by the United States Department of State will enable the Ghanaian delegation to understudy the United States federal and state judicial systems.

Honorable Justice George Kingsly Acquah, who is leading a five member delegation comprising of Judge Victor Dotse, an Appeal court judge, Judge Sophia Akkufo high court judge, Judge Mariama Owusu high court judge and Judge Hammond, circuit court judge are paying visit among other places to Washington DC, Oklahoma city, Chicago, Philadelphia and the worlds most sophisticated Judicial system at William and Mary college in Virginia, USA.

The team has already paid visit to Angola, South Africa, London and the Scandinavian countries.

Chief Justice Acquah told Ghana Home Page that the pending program, initiated by the NPP government will entail computerization of the judicial system, ethics, discipline and training of Judges in alternate resolution of conflicts. Commercial courts will also be put in place to deal with business issues to build trust in potential investors.

Earlier in the day, the team visited Trinity United church in Chicago, which has a computer training program in Ghana.