General News of Wednesday, 12 January 2005

Source: GNA

Ghana to host 28th ECOWAS Summit

Accra, Jan. 12, GNA - Ghana will host the 28th Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Summit of Heads of State and Government from January 19 to 20 2005.

A statement Mr Ahmed Osumanu Halid the Media Relation Officer of Ministry of Regional Cooperation and New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) signed, said the Summit would discuss the various ECOWAS protocols, conflict management and the situation in some member countries.

It said other issues to be discussed would be efforts so far made in the areas of Integration, ECOWAS and NEPAD as well as the election of Chairman.

The statement said during the last Summit held by the Heads of State and President of World Bank on the implementation of NEPAD/ECOWAS Projects, the World Bank pledged 450 million dollars as financial support.

It stated that the performance of member countries of ECOWAS/NEPAD of such projects and challenges facing the Sub-Regional Body would be critically assessed.

The Summit would be preceded by meetings of Technical Committee on West Africa Monetary Agency (WAMA); Committee of Governors of WAMA, Convergence Council on West Africa Monetary Zone (WAMZ), Ad-Hoc Committee on Selection and Evaluation of Statutory Appointees.