General News of Wednesday, 29 September 2004

Source: GNA

Ghana to host Pan Africa committee conference

Accra, Sept. 29, GNA - A Conference which aims at bringing African Americans from the Diaspora working to push the objectives of Pan-Africanism forward will be held in Accra from September 30 to October 3, this year was launched on Wednesday.

It will develop workable programme of action that addresses the need of Africans through out the world in nation building. The conference will bring together about 600 delegates from the USA, Canada, the Caribbean, United Kingdom, Cuba, Togo, Zimbabwe and Ghana to discuss international reparation issues and Business economic development for the Africa continent.

It is on the theme; "Pan-African in the 21st century" Speaking to journalists in Accra, Mrs Maria Berry, a member of GAREVEYTOWN PROJECT, organizers of the conference said people of Africa descent faced enormous challenges in the 21st century. She said Ghana was chosen for this conference because of its quest for freedom for Africans across the continent and its political stability in the Sub-Region.

The conference would help to establish a reparation project that was currently being erected by a group of repatriates from England, who have dedicated their skills and professional expertise to the establishment of a residential community in Ghana.

She called on Africans who have left their countries to receive high education abroad to return home to help in the nation building efforts.

She said it was unfortunate that school curriculum were being modelled in a way that was beneficial to the western countries than those in Africa.

"It is time to stop the speeches and dialogue and build programmes that would be of benefit to the continent," she said. She said with meetings held in several part of the world, and the meeting in Durban, South Africa where the historic declaration was made and signed by 170 countries that the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade was and still is a crime against humanity and therefore, it has no statute limitation, was still valid.

She said that meant that Africans could day be able to take that declaration to the world court to seek reparation, repair and damages that had been cause to all Blacks"

She said that it is their responsibility to keep that on the agenda even if it might not happen right now so that "our grand children can take it up".

Mr. Kweku Danso, an African American and a member of the Pan African Committee Conference said that all their efforts would be fruitful if Ghanaians were really prepared to work with them to make those plans a reality.

He called for Africans to develop their own system of Government that would really move the continent forward.