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General News of Saturday, 21 June 2003

Source: gna

Ghana to introduce antiretroviral drugs soon

About 4.5 million dollars has been made available to Ghana under the Global Access Funds for the provision of antiretroviral drugs next year.

Professor Sekyi Amoa, Director-General of the Ghana AIDS Commission, said on Thursday that there was ongoing research at the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research to test some of the drugs, their management and administration to ensure that they were used appropriately once introduced into the country.

Speaking to media personnel during an interaction in Accra, Prof. Amoa said health workers had to be trained on the proper way to administer the drugs, which have serious side effects, and must be taken for life once a patient is introduced to them.

The Director-General said side effects and concerns over misuse of the drugs were some reasons for the slow pace of introducing the drugs to enable proper studies to be conducted on them.

He said other alternatives such as good nutrition to boost one's immunity were some options, which should be explored in treatment regimens.

Prof. Amoa said as part of efforts to stem the spread of the disease in the West Africa Sub-Region, an HIV/AIDS Abidjan-Lagos Transport Corridor programme would be launched in August.

He said the project, would have its headquarters in Benin, Cotonou and would involve principal towns, markets and borders in the Sub-Region.

Prof Amoa said the movement of people; delays and build-up of human traffic along the borders facilitate the spread of the disease.