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General News of Friday, 21 June 2024


GhanaWeb Special: How ready is Ghana for the 2024 rainy season?

Alex Kwesi (R) is a June 3 disaster survivor play videoAlex Kwesi (R) is a June 3 disaster survivor

Over the years, various governments have pledged to introduce initiatives to mitigate flooding, including the construction and maintenance of drainage systems, flood forecasting and early warning systems.

This also addresses public education campaigns on flood risks and safety measures.

Despite these promises, rainfalls continue to affect the country in devastating ways.

The 2024 rainy season has just begun, and already, various parts of the country are grappling with flooding any time it rains.

The Ghana Meteorological Agency has warned that this year’s rainy season is going to be shorter than in previous years, but the quantity of rainfall will be the same.

GhanaWeb visited some areas in Accra to find out from residents how they have been dealing with the season so far.

The Communications Director of the National Disaster Management Organisation, George Ayisi, detailing the role of the organisation in controlling flooding, admitted that there are some challenges but the impact will not be disastrous.

Some residents of flood-prone areas in Accra also shared what they considered the best solutions to the flooding situation in Ghana.

At the time of filing this report, GhanaWeb was still making efforts to contact the Ghana Hydrological Authority to find out how prepared they were for the floods. This information will be shared in a subsequent report.

Watch the full video report by Nimatu Yakubu Atouyese below: