Diaspora News of Sunday, 5 March 2006
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Dr. Gabriel Ayisi, a Ghanaian living in New York has been invited to serve as an Honorary Chairman at the 8th Annual Tax Summit to be held in Washington, DC on March 15th and 16th 2006.
Dr. Ayisi is the Honorary Chairman of New York for the National Republican Congressional Committee?s Business Advisory Council. The NRCC?s Business Advisory Council was formed to involve the country?s top business leaders in the process of government reform. Their experience and knowledge, together with their get-it-done attitudes, will lead the way as we deal with issues that affect economic stimulus in the US: tax reduction and simplification, affordable health care, regulatory relief and reducing frivolous lawsuits (Wall Street Journal, December 08, 2005)
On Wednesday, March 15, there will be a Businessman of the Year Luncheon Award and Tax Reform workshop with Karl Rove, Special Advisor to President Bush, followed by break-out sessions and Congressional Reception with Members of Congress.
On Thursday, March 16, there will be a Continental Breakfast, followed by live on-camera interviews, legislative update, and a United to Victory Dinner with President George W. Bush.
Dr. Ayisi is a lecturer in New York City and the Chief Executive Officer of Ideal World Games Limited Liability Company in the United States.