General News of Wednesday, 20 June 2001

Source: PTI

Ghanaian-Indian appointed as senior World Bank official

Washington, June 19: World Bank President James Wolfenson has announced two senior appointments of an Indian, Vinod Thomas, and a person of Indian origin, Gobind Nankani.

Nankani, from Ghana, would be Vice-President of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management (PREM) network, and Thomas the Country Director for Brazil, the WB President said on Monday.

Gobind brings with him 25 years of experience in banking sector, including serving as Chief Economist for South Asia.

Thomas, curently Vice-President for the World Bank Institute, "brings to his new assignment, among other things, strong previous operational experience in Latin America, including teaching as a professor of economics at University of Sao Paolo," Wolfenson said.

To gain further direct client experience and strengthen professional skills, Thomas has been offered this, "strategic position... on the Principle that we should send only our best people to interact directly with our country clients," the bank President added.