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Diasporia News of Thursday, 22 January 2015

Source: Ghanaian News Canada

Ghanaian News Canada Receives NEPMCC Award from Lt. Gov. of Ontario.

The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Canada, The Honorable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, presented 2014 National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada (MEPMCC) Medal and Award to Mr. Emmanuel Ayiku, Publisher and Editor of the Ghanaian News Canada for Best Editorial, Free Expression, Long Years of Service, Concept and Visualization.
The award presentation was held at the Lieutenant Governor's Suite at Queen's Park in Toronto November 2014.
In a citation accompanying the Award given to Mr. Ayiku on behalf of the Ghanaian News Canada it reads further, " presented in appreciation of your distinctive achievements and distinguished contributions to cultural communities and your community services and in recognition of your efforts in promoting tolerance and understanding along with traditions and interest of the Ghanaian Canadian Communities. Your Leadership, courage and dedication to the causes of social justice, human rights and democracy have greatly contributed to the respect of cultural values and equality among all Canadians."
"All of these achievements would not have been possible without the support of the Ghanaian News entire team of dedicated staff and associates. This honor is an affirmation that what we are doing is highly valued and we thank God for making this possible," says Mr. Ayiku,
Picture: Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell presents the NEPMCC Awards to Emmanuel Ayiku of Ghanaian News Canada