Diaspora News of Monday, 3 August 2009

Source: The Sun

Ghanaian Rapper Stabbed in London

A TEENAGE rapper was found dying from stab wounds in the back of a car pulled over by cops for jumping a red light.

University student Carl Beatson Asiedu was being driven to hospital by pals after he was knifed repeatedly outside a nightclub where he had just played a gig.

Officers called paramedics and an air ambulance as Carl, 19, drifted in and out of consciousness, but he died at the scene near London's Waterloo station.

Horror ... cops and kids at crime scene A gang ambushed Carl and another DJ with his rap group Kid 'n' Play at 5am on Saturday after a row. The other victim, 19, was found with stab wounds near Club Life but survived.

Carl, nicknamed Charmz, is the 11th teen murdered in London this year - eight knifed to death.

Last night two young men were being held over his murder. An 18-year-old was arrested at his South London home 12 hours after the killing and a 20-year-old later gave himself up.

Carl, thought to have been stabbed in the chest, was lying on the back seat of his friends' car as they raced to St Thomas' Hospital before the cops stopped them a mile from Club Life in Vauxhall.

Carl, of Norbury, South London, was studying media production at De Montford University, Leicester.

A detective said: "He was a decent young man. This is a tragic waste of young life."

Yesterday more than 3,000 people joined a Facebook group in Carl's memory.

Shocked friends vowed to promote his first single Buy Out Da Bar and make a music video with an anti-knife-crime message as a way of paying tribute.

EX-PM's wife Cherie Blair presents a show about teenage knife violence on Channel 4's Dispatches at 8pm tonight.