Regional News of Sunday, 20 April 2008

Source: GNA

Ghanaian Scholars urged to come out with solutions to challenges

Koforidua, April 20, GNA - A Supreme Court Judge, Mr Justice Julius

Ansah, has appealed to Ghanaian scholars to be inspired by the challenges facing the nation and develop a sense of urgency in developing practical solutions to problems.

"We should not feel that others will see the need to solve our problems for us and we should not look elsewhere for the solutions," he said. Addressing the first convocation of All Nations University College at Koforidua on Saturday, Mr Justice Ansah appealed to tertiary institutions to create a generation of thinkers whose awareness of the problems would spur them to develop home grown solutions to them.

He said it was time Ghana did away with the syndrome of engineers preferring to be in suit than engaging in the science for which they have been trained for. Equally, he said, it would not be proper for graduates to continue their reliance on government for jobs.

Mr Justice Ansah's well-received address also dwelt on hypothetical analogies and cited in particular the situation where scholars are not sharpened by the

acuteness of the problems to develop solutions to them as in the case of malaria and similar tropical medical problems.

He said if western nations had been suffering from malaria their scholars would have worked hard to find solution to this medical blight that claims millions of lives in Africa each year.