Editorial News of Tuesday, 16 March 1999

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Ghanaian Times

The paper has on its front page =93Minister orders probe into the missing =A2120m=94. According to the story the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Kwamena Ahwoi, has ordered investigations into an alleged missing of =A2120m from the account of the Tamale Municipal Assembly=92s Common Fund. The paper says that the Minister, in a statement issued in Accra last Friday, has also ordered investigations into an alleged unauthorised award of contracts by the former Tamale Municipal Chief Executive, Alhaji A.Y.M.B. Ibrahim, and The East Mamprusi and East Gonja District Chief Executives, Mr. Issaka Bawa and Mr. Seidu Karimu respectively, whose tenure of office was not renewed when it ended on February 28, 1999. The paper says a three-member committee to be appointed by the Northern Regional Minister, will investigate the allegation and submit a report within six weeks, to the Regional Minister, who would in turn submit a report with his comments to Minister of Local Government and Rural Development within two weeks from the date of receipt of the report. Meanwhile the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development has suspended all contracts awarded by the three district assemblies during the period under investigation.

The paper says that a circular has been sent reminding District Chief Executives that assemblies are not permitted to do deficit budgeting and that guidelines on the ulilisation of the the Common Fund prohibit forward commitment beyond the medium-term three-year budget period.