General News of Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Source: Joy Business

Ghanaian Youth Are Given Wrong Education - World Bank

The country’s education sector is not producing the kind of labor force that industry needs, the World Bank has said.

According to the Bank, rather than producing the welders and other vocational trainees, many of the youth being churned out from the country’s educational institutions have skills that are not needed by industry and so are unemployable.

Its Country Director Ishac Diwan blames the situation for the high level of unemployment. “The analysis shows that one reason why we are not getting as many jobs as needed is because many of the youth are coming out of school with the wrong education,” he said.

Mr Diwan said skills in ICT, Engineering, the oil sector, the construction, tourism, and agribusiness were generally lacking. He said there were farms in Ghana that were importing farm managers from India. “So the vocational training system needs to adjust to the needs of the market,” Mr Diwan added. He is however hopeful a plan by the World Bank to invest in vocational training would help address the problem somehow.