General News of Monday, 20 April 1998

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Ghanaian appointed head of UN Observer Mission in Angola.

Major General S. K. Obeng, former Chief of Staff of the Ghana Armed Forces, has been appointed the Force Commander to head the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola (MONUA). A statement released by the Public Relations Directorate of the Ghana Armed Forces said the MONUA is a new force mandated by the United Nations to observe the cease-fire brokered for Angola. Major General Obeng is a graduate of the United States Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, and also attended the National Defence War College in New Delhi, India. He has held several appointments, including being Ghana's Defence Adviser to the United Kingdom from 1984 to 1988 and Deputy Force Commander of ECOMOG in Liberia. Maj. Gen. Obeng is the third Ghanaian military officer to command a UN Force after Lt. Gen. Erskine, who commanded both the UN Truce Supervision Organisation in Jerusalem and the UN Interim Force in Lebanon, and Maj. Gen. T. K. Dibuama who commanded the UN Iran-Kuwait Missions in Kuwait. Maj. Gen. Obeng, whose appointment takes effect from this month, has since left to take up his appointment.