Diaspora News of Thursday, 3 October 2013

Source: Martin Sannah Kwakwa

Ghanaian evangelist impresses Australians

Renowned Ghanaian evangelist Dr Ebenezer Abboah-Offei has ended a highly successful crusade in Australia. Dr Abboah-Offei was in Australia at the invitation of the Ghana Presbyterian Church congregation in Sydney.

The crusade grounds were fully packed throughout the three-day event. Many believers who thronged the Ghana Presbyterian Church grounds expressed amazement at God’s power at work as many people confessed to being touched by God’s healing hands, as their physical ailments mysteriously disappeared.

Queues formed at the end of his daily sermons and teachings as people waited for personal blessings, and for the evangelist’s touch to heal them of their physical and spiritual sicknesses. Dr Abboah-Offei, speaking directly to Ghanaians at the crusade, said they were blessed to have found settlement in Australia, a land he said had been abundantly blessed by God.

“This is a land that its founding fathers (the British who first settled in 1788) made a declaration to God for his blessing even before they set foot on it. Their declaration to dedicate their land to God has brought Australia wealth, peace and prosperity. Much of the Western world has been in economic meltdown in the past few years, but it’s only Australia whose economy has not been hit. It is easy to see God’s hand at work on this land”.

“Ever since that day of the declaration, whatever Australia touched had wonderfully turned into blessing. This is your home now. With God’s hand already on Australia, make that same declaration to the Lord and he will bless and make you prosper individually”, he added.

Dr Abboah-Offei recounted the numerous military conflicts around the world, going as far back as the First World War. He said that in every one of those conflicts, whenever Australia forces were called on (always by the British), the conflict ended in victory for the side Australia was on.

He mentioned World War I where Australian troops called to Gallipoli in Turkey in 1915 helped save the allied forces from total defeat. Other examples he cited were the Boer War in South Africa and in World War II where Australian Diggers (also called the Rats of Tobruk) dislodged Hitler’s forces from present-day Libya in North Africa.

“People of God, this is a nation that was founded on faith in God and in Jesus, and the blessings from God will surely flow onto you as you live in Australia and continue praying for God’s Holy Spirit and power”, he told the congregation.

Dr Abboah-Offei was ably assisted at the crusade by Rev Godfried Bamfo, resident minister of the Ghana Presbyterian Church in Sydney.

From: Martin Sannah Kwakwa Sydney, Australia

Photo: Evangelist Dr Abboah-Offei (L) and Rev Godfried Bamfo address Sydney crusade