General News of Tuesday, 11 September 2001

Source: --

Ghanaian excels at peacekeeping mission in Bosnia

A Ghanaian police officer has been named as the best peacekeeping official in community policing with the UN peacekeeping mission in Bosnia.

Assistant Superintendent of Police Joseph Sarfo Agyeman emerged as the best out of peacekeepers from 43 countries, including the US and several other Western countries, serving in the troubled Balkan state. He received eight certificates for his performance.

Miss Joanne Black, a US expert in community policing, said at a seminar on community policing at the Police College in Accra that Mr Agyeman could compress a 40-hour lecture into an eight-hour paper and then present it in a very comprehensible way.

Ms Black who is a resource person at the nine-day seminar, which opened on Monday, said Mr Agyeman, who was stationed in the district of Parle in Sarajevo, Bosnia, visited many war-torn areas and interacted with the indigenous people and relayed their needs to the appropriate quarters.

Miss Black said she counted on him when they were together in Bosnia. Another US resource person, Mr Steve Mann also praised Mr Agyeman describing his skill in community policing as fantastic and excellent.

The seminar, which would be in four series, was organised by the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Programme (ICITAP) of United States with support from the US Embassy.