Diaspora News of Friday, 18 February 2005


Ghanaians In Belgium To Celebrate Independence Anniversary

The National Federation of Ghanaians Resident in Belgium (GHANABA VZW) in collaboration with the Ghana Embassy in Belgium is organizing a special program on March 5th 2005 to mark Ghana?s 48th Independence Day Anniversary. With the support of the Flemish Ministry of Culture, the Flemish Community Commission (VGC), NGO FOS and Ghana Welfare, the evening?s program will include symposium, cultural display, typical Ghanaian dishes and live music provided by Belgium based Mystic Vibes Band.

The issued to be addressed at the symposium are:

(1) 'The Ghanaian Democratic experience as an example for the other African Countries'. Speaker: Dr. Godfred DONKOR (Chairman, Asanteman Association- Belgium)

(2) 'The Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) between the EU and the African countries, impact and implications of the on Africa and Ghana'. Speaker: Dr. Paul GOODISON (Director FOS/ ERO- Brussels)

Date: Saturday 5th March 200

Time; 6pm- 12 midnight

Venue; Zaal L?Alchimiste , Scheikundigestraat (Rue Chimiste) 34-36, 1070 Brussels.

For further information:

GHANABA vzw, Vanderlindinstraat 17, 1030 Brussels

Tel./ 0032 (2) 2188446

Gsm./ (0) 473. 919426 E-mail. ghanaba@skynet.be
