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Regional News of Monday, 1 April 2013

Source: GNA

Ghanaians advised to show genuine commitment to peace

Ghanaians have been asked to show genuine commitment to peace and national reconciliation as they join the rest of the Christian world to celebrate Easter.

The Reverend Mark Abrefa, Minister in-charge of the Calvary Methodist Church at Atimatim in the Afigya-Kwabre District said there was the need to work collectively to strengthen the bond of unity and cohesion of the country.

This was the way to achieve accelerated political and socio-economic progress.

The Rev. Abrefa was delivering the sermon at a well attended Easter service at Atimatim.

“Christ is risen”, was the theme of his sermon.

He said Christ by his death and resurrection, has reconciled man with God and this should inspire all to accept to make the necessary sacrifices for the common good of society adding that we should also show love and kindness to our neighbours.

The Rev. Minister also reminded Christians to serve as agents of change by leading pure, decent and honest lives.