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Regional News of Saturday, 16 August 2014

Source: Sadik, Alhassan Abubakar

Ghanaians must be resolute

The Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Honourable Julius Debrah, Has made a passionate appealed to the Ghanaians, to be resolute in spite of the current economic challenges being confronted by the Nation.

“Government would turn things around but the citizens must also contribute their quota to help Champion the course of the National development, He admonished.

Honourable Julius Debrah, Made these appealed when he paid a working visit to the Northern Regional Capital, in Tamale.

He intimated that the purpose of his visit was to inspect the on – going voters registration exercise and to also appreciate the challenges MMDAs goes through in the region and finding possible ways of tackling them, Stressing that top on his agenda was to also combat Sanitation related issues across the region. Hon Debrah, Emphasised that cholera and Malaria are the major recorded deaths in our health institutions but are sicknesses which are quite preventable, Saying that his ministry is working fervently to mitigate the situations.

He said in the ensuing years to come his outfit would undertake a massive re-cycling project that would aggregate the waste generation in deriving fertiliser from the waste for the economic benefit of the country.

Hon Debrah, disclosed that in the coming months government will roll out youth development fund through the district assemblies, to support the teaming youths who would want to engaged in small scale ventures.

He used the occasion to urge the MMDAs in the country to be innovatives in fashioning out amicably ways of surmounting their day -to- day activities.

Hon Debrah, also paid homage to the paramount Chief of Savelugu, His Royal Highness, Yoo Naa Abukari Mahama, where he commended the Chief and his subjects for the unwavering support to the government.

He urged the Overlord of the Area to encourage his followers to participate in the up-coming District and local government election since it brings development to the door stairs of the traditional authorities.

Yoo Naa, Mahama, used the rare privilege to appealed to the President John Dramani Mahama, to help advance issues of Health, Sanitation and Education derive under his traditional jurisdictions, whiles urging government to as a matter of concern strive to implement its manifesto pledges. The District Chief Executive( DCE) for Savelugu/Nantong Municipality, Hon Alhassan Abdulai Red, further added the on-going calls by the residents in the Municipality, and appealed to the Hon Julius Debrah, to provide the Municipality with the wheel Loaders, Containers, and some logistical support, to help managed filth in order to checked the eminence of Cholera outbreak in the vicinity.

As part of his duty tour Hon, Debrah, met with the technical staff of the Tamale Metropolitan Assembly (TAMA), where the Mayor Hon, Hannan Gundado, took the golden opportunity to brief his boss, the Local government Minister, on some on-going developmental projects being initiated by the TAMA, which he later inspected those sites.

The projects he said are catalogued among others as, Ghana Urban Market project (GUMP), which is a Multi-Market complex to be renovated at the Abuabo, and the affordable housing project, at Lahagu, of which 100- 3 bedrooms are in the various stages off completions, where he expressed his delight at the pace of the work so far.

At Savelugu, The Northern Regional Minister, Honourable Alhaji Muhammed Muniru, Lemuna, who was part of the Hon, Debrah, entourage, at the Liman Fong Polling Station, urged the registration officials to be Non- Partisan to ensure the exercise is conducted in a peaceful Manner since it is one of the good developmental indicators. On his part the Deputy Northern Regional Minister, Honourable Alhaji A.B.A. Fuseini, who was also apparently part of the delegation, stressed that substantial Socio economic gains have been made given the current economic downturn in the country. Hon Debrah, Later Met with the REGSEC, members, where the Ministry of Health directorate in the region in conjunction with the Environmental health and Sanitation department schooled him and his team on the clinical preparedness and the Sanitation measures been taken to contain any incidence of Ebola and cholera outbreak in region.

Dignitaries who accompanied Hon, Deborah’s entourage were the Political Leadership as well as some party Executives of the ruling NDC.

By Alhassan Abubakar Sadik, ISD-Reporter- in Tamale. Email Sadika64@