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Health News of Thursday, 22 March 2007

Source: GNA

Ghanaians urged to adopt healthy lifestyle to ensure good health

Akyem Oda, March 22, GNA-This year's Home Economics Day celebrations in the Birim South District had been held at the Oda Secondary School on Thursday with a call on people to adopt healthy lifestyle at all times to ensure good health.

Dr Elimelek B. Israel, Healthy Lifestyle Specialist of the African Hebrew Development Agency (AHDA) said since food was medicine, people should eat correctly to prevent diseases.

He advised that people should drink about 8-10 glasses of water each day to help eliminate waste from the body. Dr Israel also stressed the importance of exercise and advised that people should exercise at least three times in a week. He said exercise stimulates circulation, very important for the heart, reduces weight and helps build strong muscle and bones. Dr Israel urged the people have to enough rest to enable the body to replenish itself.

Dr Alidah B. Yehoda, Nutritional Officer of AHDA who advised against wearing of tight clothes said such practice would not allow the body to eliminate toxins from it.

She expressed worry about the low average lifespan of 57 years for Ghanaians and advised, "We (should) do things that will prolong our lives".

Dr Yehoda urged people to add more vegetables and fruits to their diet saying, "We need to eat more fruits".

Dr Yehoda who later demonstrated on the use of Soya beans in making milk said soya beans were a more powerful food to eat. Mrs Rebecca Debrah, Home Economics teacher of the Akyem Oda Saint Francis Secondary/Technical School in a welcoming address said the day was to create awareness of how far Home Economics were helping in nation building. She said the association aimed at improving quality of life among individuals, family and society as a whole. Mrs Juliana Yeboah, a Home Economics teacher of the Akim Swedru Secondary School who chaired the function urged members to adopt a positive attitude to what they eat at home. She expressed optimism that they would effect a change not only among themselves but also in the communities. 22 March 07