Crime & Punishment of Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Source: Daily Guide

Girl, 13, dies after raped

Information reaching DAILY GUIDE indicates that a 13-year-old girl has died at the Bibiani government hospital after she was allegedly subjected to several sexual bouts by a 45-year-old farmer in the area, Kwame Anane.

According to sources, the deceased is the daughter of Anane’s ex-girlfriend, one Effia Akoma.

DAILY GUIDE gathered that the suspect had subsequently been hauled before a Bibiani District Magistrate court and had been remanded in police custody to reappear on November 5, 2013.

Chief Inspector Mike Agbaglo, the Prosecutor in the case, told DAILY GUIDE that on October 19, 2013, the suspect asked the little girl to accompany him to the farm to harvest mushroom.

According to him, later in the day, the mother of the girl, Afia Akoma, complained that she could not find her daughter, so a search party was formed to comb the bushes to search for the 13-year-old girl.

Chief Inspector Agbaglo said the search party could not find the girl and so members of the search party continued their work the following day.

He noted that luckily, the girl was found unconscious near a cocoa farm covered with some leaves and so they quickly took her to the Bibiani Government Hospital.

He pointed out that on October 21, 2013, at about 3:30pm, the medical officer in charge of the hospital announced that the victim had passed away.

He noted that people in the community then started speculating that the 45-year-old man allegedly raped the girl and for fear of the girl revealing the secret to her mother, Anane beat the girl till she was unconscious.

According to the prosecutor, members of the community had alleged that when the girl fell unconscious, Anane thought that she was dead so he covered the little girl with leaves.

According to the prosecutor, the hospital would soon carry out post mortem on the deceased to ascertain what really killed the girl adding “for now there is no medical proof to conclude that the girl died after she was raped”.

He said Anane was in police custody assisting the law enforcement agency in their investigations into the case.