General News of Sunday, 7 August 2005

Source: Crusading GUIDE

Gizelle Attacks Kweku Baako

...And Challenges Him To Produce Tape Recording Of Her Encounter With Top Ghanaian Journalist On Her Alleged Twins Story

Last Tuesday, Ms. Gizelle Yajzi, the woman at the centre of the storm surrounding the so-called ?Hotel Kufuor' shifted her focus onto the Editor-in-Chief of The Crusading Guide, Kweku Baako, Jnr., and viciously attacked the person and professional credentials of the latter.

Speaking on an Accra-based radio station, Ms. Yajzi, apparently stung by a teaser titled "COMING SOON" which had been advertised in The Crusading GUIDE's with the intention to publish extracts/excerpts of the transcript of the recording of her conversation with a top Ghanaian journalist (Egbert Faibille, then Managing Editor of The Independent), accused Baako of forging and publishing a picture which depicted her in the company of Mr. Kwame Peprah, former Minister of Finance in the NDC Government.

She claimed that the picture The Crusading GUIDE had used was one taken at President Kufuor's press conference at the Castle in September 2002, and wondered how the former NDC Finance Minister could have been present at that event.

"The Crusading GUIDE should be in jail and he is a liar and he is a guy without any moral conduct", charged Ms. Yajzi. Ms. Yajzi then challenged Baako to produce the tape on her encounter with Egbert Faibille if indeed any such tape existed, adding that Baako had been talking about the tape for the past three months without being able to play it on air.

"If he has a tape he should go ahead and put it out. He has had enough time to play it. He has been talking about such a tape for the past three months or six months. I don't understand and he is still keeping it? I am going to tell The Crusading GUIDE, I am going to put him in jail because he is a liar. And what he did with the photograph I am going to sue him...", she threatened. She alleged that Baako was collaborating with Mr. Gabby Nketiah, a Presidential Staffer, to fabricate her voice and put it on tape, in order to destroy her credibility. Ms. Yajzi advised Baako to go and finish High School and also feel sorry for being a drop-out instead of faking photographs.

She said if Baako plays the tape on air, she will send it (tape) to the authorities and "he will be in jail".

She accused Baako of being a forger of false birth and marriage certificates as well as academic diplomas and hinted that her two lawyers were already putting up a case to ensure that Baako was exposed.

"This guy has been talking about the economy, he has talking about law, he has been talking about morality when he didn't even finish his High School. Tell him to go and study or shut up", she cried.

Asked whether she had ever spoken to any Ghanaian journalist about her alleged twins, she adopted a strategy of evasiveness, and continued her attack on Baako and The Crusading GUIDE.

Hear her: "I have never touched my private life. The only thing I have said, and I am a person with integrity and good morals. They say they have got tapes, because they have enough words that I have said and they can copy my words and they can make up a tape as they made the photograph. The FBI has the photograph already and The Crusading GUIDE will be in jail".

"Madam, are you saying you have never spoken to any Ghanaian journalist about twins and you posed as a babysitter?", queried the host.

She replied: "I have been asked about this matter and many issues. I have talked to many journalists because they have asked me about this matter and I have always told them that they should respect this is my private life. I don't talk about my family...".

Ms. Yajzi then wondered why Baako and his newspaper would not go and ask Mr. Anthony Saoud about his tax obligations; find out from President Kufuor about how he bought the hotel and focus on the arrest and detention of TV Africa crew at President Kufuor's residence as well as the alleged firing at her car in the USA but rather choose to engage in what she described as lies.

"His (Baako's) newspaper should be closed because nobody can lie like that. He cannot make up photographs. It is going to put him in jail, and we will put him in jail", she boasted.

The persistent host queried further: "Madam Yajzi, are you saying you have not spoken about the twins issue with any Ghanaian journalist?"

"I am telling you, that the tape is exactly the same story like the photograph making up with the former Minister of Finance behind me when it was taken in the Castle in the presence of President Kufuor at the press conference. Please, every journalist should go and review all the photographs for that day. It was in September of 2002 when the President talked to the press...".

"The question is, so you are saying that you never posed as a babysitter to any Madam who has any twins to a Ghanaian journalist?", posed the unrelenting host. "This man has talked about this tape that it was made before, long time ago. Why he waited so long to talk about a tape like this? Why? I don't understand...why he didn't put it out when I have talked a long time ago. My first interview with you, you asked me about the twins, I said I don't have twins. So after that they asked about whatever it is, you know, this is, you can see that this man is lying because he has been talking about twins why he didn't play the tapes several months ago? Why he is waiting until now...?", she wondered.

Asked to react to the obviously infantile effusions of Ms. Yajzi, Baako said: "the radio station should put her allegation of a forgery of a photograph by us to strict proof. She must indicate when and where (date of edition and the page) that ?fake picture' was published in The Crusading GUIDE. Secondly, I shall be making extracts of the audio recording available o some media houses at the appropriate time, and after that we shall know whether that obviously disgruntled lady is a credible and reliable witness in any matter under the sun. Let's just be patient".

Please turn to page two (2) for part one of the transcript of the recording of Ms. Yajzi's conversation(s) with Egbert Faibille who we must make clear was consciously ?fishing' for evidence from her, to support her allegation of having had twins, courtesy President Kufuor; an allegation she has subsequently denied. Stay tuned. crusading guide