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Regional News of Monday, 6 February 2017

Source: GNA

Global Heritage Centre to provide educational services

Yaw Osafo Maafo, Senior Minister Yaw Osafo Maafo, Senior Minister

The Global Heritage Professional Training Centre (GHPTC), a new professional institution in Ghana, which has a partnership with Kaplan United Kingdom (UK), to provide world class professional educational services in Accounting and Finance, has been launched in Accra.

Accredited by the National Accreditation Board, GHPTC seeks to be a think-thank, a world class research-oriented and professionally-focused institution, solving complex finance and accounting problems and providing alternative solutions to diverging views relating to accounting and finance through research in Arica.

The first programmes being introduced under the partnership is the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

At the launching of the Training Centre situated at Dzorwulu, Mr Yaw Osafo-Marfo, the Senior Minister who was the guest of honour urged Institutions to invest in quality lecturers to train professionals to salvage organisations of fraud.

He noted that Accounting and Finance were the engines of organisations mostly in the US and Europe hence must be implemented in Ghana to save organisations of misappropriation of funds.

He said one particular sector that Ghana had a problem was in the sector of Accounting and Finance.

“You go to many organisations and those who handle the most sensitive part of their operations which is Accounting and Finance are the least qualified and it is a problem that has lived with us for a very long time because Management sometimes is not ready to pay the adequate fees to this particular professional group to get them to supervise the operations of the company.

“We need people who understand that part of our development to steer it up and business must be ready to pay the appropriate fees to professionals to manage their Accounting and Finance.

“It is an area Ghana needs that we all must promote and protect. Anytime you take the newspapers you will see some form of fraud somewhere.

“You come across some money vanishing somewhere because the accounting systems at that places are not professionally done, therefore when one smart guy gets into it, he cheats the whole system.

“It needs to be recognised that when you are operating anything, which involves money, you need your accounting and finance to be handled professionally,” he said.

Mr Seth Nketiah, the Programmes Manager of GHPTC said the core aspiration was to advance the study of ACCA through the use of modern technology to make the course easier and accessible.

He said GHPTC would stream live lectures from Kaplan UK for students to interact and network with other students and people worldwide to have the unique opportunity of exploring and sharing the experiences from other parts of the globe to meet their local career needs.

Mr Nketiah said GHPTC would use AAT and FIA courses from ACCA to groom it students directly from Senior High School and would encourage them to continue the ACCA studies with them, giving them all the necessary support.

He gave the assurance the academic entity would get Oxford Brookes degree in Bachelor Science (Hon) in Applied Accounting and Essex University, Master’s degree if they complete the ACCA and graduation with the University of Essex in the UK.

He said the Institute would also provide short-term capacity tailor made programmes to Institutions and Agencies to build their Human Resource.

Nana Appeanin Kwaframoa II, Akyem Awisa Krontihene who chaired the function urged Management of the College to implement a monitoring system to monitor students performance on internship in other to produce qualified professionals.