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Sports News of Friday, 14 April 2017


Godwin Attram insists he holds no grudge against Tom Strand

Godwin Attram Godwin Attram

Godwin Attram has clearly stated that he holds no grudge against in-coming Great Olympics coach Tom Strand but he is not willing to work under him.

The Wonder club has been faced with internal wrangling over the few days following the appointment of Swedish trainer Tom Strand as head coach of the club.

This has resulted in the club being divided into two sections as one part trains at the Ghanaman Soccer of Excellence in Prampram while the other hold theirs at the GNFS centre in Accra.

“I don’t have any problem with Tom Strand and I have also not told management not to bring in supporting coach but my decision is that if management wants to bring in someone to help me, it shouldn’t be Tom Strand but they should rather give me chance to bring my own coach who has the same ideology as mine to avoid potential troubles,” he told ATL FM of Cape Coast.

The club will play as guests to Liberty Professionals in week 12 of the Ghana Premier League at the Carl Reindhorf Park on Sunday but it is not certain which section of the divided team will show up.