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Regional News of Friday, 21 April 2006

Source: GNA

Gonasua launches streetlight fund

Gonasua (B/A), April 21, GNA - Mr Apraku Tanor, the Jaman South District Chief Executive, has assured the people of Gonasua of the assembly's preparedness to assist them to complete development projects they would initiate.

He gave the assurance at the inauguration of a streetlight project fund in the town.

Mr Tanor expressed regret that community participation in raising funds in support of development projects in the area was waning and urged them to initiate more self-help projects to enable the assembly to assist them.

Mr. Tanor donated one million cedis to the fund on behalf of the assembly and whilst Captain Nkrabea Effah Dartey, the Deputy Minister of the Interior, pledged one million cedis.