General News of Wednesday, 8 October 2003

Source: --

Gov't Spokesman Condemns

Accra, Oct. 8, --Mr. Kwabena Adjepong, Press Secretary to the President & Government Spokesman, today quite thoroughly condemned the GhanaHomePage ( This was on the morning news discussion programme of Metro TV. Mr. Adjepong suggested very strongly that opponents of the government control GhanaWeb and that it has a clear agenda against the government.

This was in connection with a discussion of the President apparent failure to turn up for a VOA interview [READ].

He however failed to provide any linkage between the GhanaHomePage staff and what he termed "opponents of the government"

Comments from Dr. Amos Anyimadu (Department of Political Science, Legon)
I just "fell" into this discussion. I have not been following the debate on the President's non-appearance. However, I found Mr. Adjepong's arguments and mode of presentation most disagreeable. I do not try to systematically follow Mr. Adjepong's performance but I think he has no business being in public office.

In my view, he shows clear disrespect to the good people of Ghana who, I was quite surprised to learn, pay him.

On New Year Day, two years ago, I think, I had to challenge him on Joy FM when he, very dangerously, justified the "invitation" of Mr. Dan Lartey by National Security. He insulted the Honourable Mr. Kwabena Adjei, an NDC MP, and my teacher at Legon, in an unbelievably rude manner. This was also on Metro TV, the issue was the IFC loan. In that matter, it was very obvious that Mr Adjepong, as in many other cases, had an insufficient understanding of the issue.

The laughable attempt of the Government's minders, especially the Special Assistant, a very dangeous Americanism we have imported without clear thought, in spite of Mr F. Ayim's weak attempt at justification, at spin is a clear, present danger to our struggling democracy. New Labour in Britain, the mother of modern spin, has seen its danger.

Mr. Kwabena Adjepong is very strongly driving Ghana into a Banana Republic and must be stopped. I pledge my full support to a drive to ask for his resignation.

Dr. Amos Anyimadu
Department of Political Science
University of Ghana
Legon, GHANA