General News of Monday, 11 March 2002

Source: Chronicle

Gov't in urgent meeting today

Key members of Government are expected to meet the President on Monday to brief him first hand about the fact that ‘his back’ had been badly mutilated by the dazzling foot-works of the man who was once known as a financial wizard.

Even as operation Bimbilla hits the home stretch, the impact of the favourable judgement secured by Mr Tsatsu Tsikata and his born again counsel Prof E.V.O. Dankwa has caught the entire Government reeling. Top legal minds have been invited to confer with the President on the way forward and advise on how to deal with the nullification of the Fast Track Court, which is central to the NPP’s Golden Age of Progress Policy. The team includes Mr Agyeman, a respected legal mind.

The implications of the ruling are devastating, and an imminent review may be what may be engaging the legal minds that will meet at the Castle today. The issue of the replacement of Nana Akufo-Addo is on the cards and Chronicle has gathered that the prevailing sense is that Nana may be doing less consultation with other lawyers. Nana has often assured his colleagues in Government that once he takes a case on he is certain to win.

There is also the report that the opinion of the 10th judge Mr Justice Lamptey, the only one missing at the panel that gave the decisive ruling cannot be taken for granted at all. The lawful option may be the courage to nominate four more judges who may have views that are similar to the thinking of Government. It is normal exercise, and perfectly defensible. Nana Addo is, however, slated to go up the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.