General News of Saturday, 15 December 2012

Source: Philip Kofi Ashon

Gov't's grand scheme against NPP won't work - Gabby

The Executive Director of the Danquah Institute, Gabby Otchere Darko is accusing government's communication team of masterminding a grand scheme to portray the New Patriotic Party (NPP) as a violent institution to Ghanaians.

According to Mr. Otchere Darko, in an instance where, for example, there was a stabbing incident at Obra Spot, "you have government propagandists who were the first to go on air to say that an NDC member had been stabbed, and a taxi driver is stabbed and then it is said that there is a sticker at the back of the taxi so it’s done by NPP members.”

In his opinion, the alleged attacks were part of “the propaganda of government to create the impression that it is the NPP out there to cause violence.”

Mr. Otchere Darko advised supporters of the NPP to remain calm and believe in the leadership of the party to use due process to seek for redress.

“The NPP believe that it has a genuine case, the NPP believes that it is discovering and continues to uncover a pervasive pattern of irregularities across board and its given public notice that it is preparing to go to court. Under no extreme provocation should NPP supporters resort to violence.”