Accra,(Greater Accra) 20 Oct. Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA's) of the government have been asked to comply with financial regulations and keep within their budgetary provisions. Those who rush to make purchases or commitments towards the end of the year against the coming year's budget should stop the practice, Dr Robert Dodoo, Head of Civil Service, said in Accra today. He was speaking at a three-day Financial Management Training Workshop under the theme "Compliance With The Financial Laws of Ghana". About 150 participants from financial institutions, Ministries, Departments and Government agencies are attending the workshop. It will be dilating on central and local government financial administration, budget implementation procedures, pay-roll processing, coding system and internal auditing requirements to make government accounting staff to live up to their responsibilities. Dr Dodoo said the government has instituted measures to eliminate waste. It has also taken steps for the proper application and mobilisation of government resources by MDA's. He criticised the unbridled use of government finances, adding that it is one area of concern to the government which must be addressed. ''One area of concern in financial management in this country is the mismanagement of government finances and total disregard for financial regulations that lead to high government expenditures.'' Dr Dodoo charged supervisors to be extra vigilant in the management of government finances. Dr Dodoo said it is incumbent on accountants, financial managers and public office holders to comply with financial laws to ensure the efficient and effective management of government finances. It is for this reason that government introduced various reform programmes such as the National Institutional Renewal Programme, Civil Service Performance Improvement, and Public Financial Management Programmes, he said. Dr Dodoo repeated the President's directive to MDA's to transfer their accounts to the Bank of Ghana to ''ensure a sound and prudent financial management''. This directive, he said, had been given before but it was not fully complied with. ''This time the government and all relevant agencies mean business. I wish to caution you then to comply immediately and fully with the directive''. He asked heads of revenue generating MDA's not only to take interest in collecting funds but also to ensure that proper accounting procedures are maintained. ''If we take interest in this aspect of financial management, we shall be able to detect some of the lapses and irregularities before the Auditor-General reports on them,'' Dr Dodoo said