General News of Friday, 22 December 2000

Source: GNA

Government employees get pay rise

The Government on Thursday announced the adjustment of salaries and wages for its employees in line with the new minimum daily wage of 4,200 cedis.

This followed an agreement reached by the Tripartite Committee to adjust the national minimum wage from 2,900 cedis to 4,200 cedis, this year.

Mr. Austin Gamey, a deputy Minister of Employment and Social Welfare, in an interview with the GNA, said in view of the pressing demands from the social partners, a supplementary voucher has been prepared to pay the difference to affected workers before Christmas. He said arrangements were far advanced to pay workers the difference by Friday.

"If the difference is not paid by Friday, everything possible will be done to pay the workers by 29th December or latest within the first week of January," Mr Gamey said.

He cautioned government workers not to believe rumours that thegovernment is not prepared to pay the difference in minimum wage to its social partners.

Mr. J.N.O Ankrah, Director of Research and Budget, Civil Servants Association, said civil servants hoped the Controller and Accountant General would process the payment vouchers to pay by the end of December to ease the financial hardships of workers this Christmas.