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Regional News of Friday, 29 July 2016


Government orders repair works on roads, destroyed by rains nationwide

One of such roads in deplorable state at Hohoe aftermath the rains One of such roads in deplorable state at Hohoe aftermath the rains

The Ministry of Roads and Highways has ordered all road agencies under it to immediately repair all roads and bridges across the country that were rendered deplorable by the recent rainfall.

Recent rains in some parts of the country have left a number of road networks and bridges immotorable and some in cases, deplorable.

In major cities like Accra and Kumasi some of the roads have been filled with potholes, something that is causing inconvenience to many users. The Northern Region is said to be the region greatly affected.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Roads and Highways directed the Ghana Highway Authority, Department of Urban Roads and the Department of Feeder Roads “to as a matter of urgency, take action to remedy the situation”.

“We wish to emphasise and assure all contractors and the general motoring public that adequate resources have been made available to carry out these emergency works,” it said. The Ministry has meanwhile asked the everyone to bear with them as the necessary steps are being taken to address the challenges associated with the aftermath of these acts of nature.

“We also wish to use this opportunity to appeal to the general and motoring public to be safety conscious on the roads to avert accidents,” it said.