General News of Friday, 17 February 2023


Government workers in Accra earn higher salaries than staff in other regions - GSS

The breakdown was contained in a document provided by the Ghana Statistical Service The breakdown was contained in a document provided by the Ghana Statistical Service

Public sector workers in the Greater Accra Region earn more than those in the other regions nationwide, the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) has revealed.

Portions of findings from a GSS document dubbed; ‘Ghana 2022 earnings: Inequality in the public sector’ indicated that some public sector workers in Accra earn an average monthly net salary of GH¢3,142, others in regions like the North East Region.

The GSS report also noted that men have a higher average monthly net salary of GH¢2,669 against the GH¢2,504 earned by women.

“The difference between the average net salary of men and women is GH¢165. This means that the gender pay gap is 6.0 percent. Men have a higher average monthly net salary, of GH¢2,669, while women have an average of GH¢2,504. The average monthly net salary of women is lower than that of men in all 16 regions,” the report stated.

The report also indicated that men in the Upper West region earn GH¢348 more than women, representing 13% more than what women earn.

“The difference is highest for employees in the Upper West region, with men earning on average GH¢348 more than women. This is a gender pay gap of 13 percent. In the Central Region the difference between men and women is the least, with women earning GH¢124 less than men. This means the gender pay gap of 5.0 percent,” the GSS stated in its report.

According to the GSS, employees more than 60 years also earn an average salary more than persons belonging to other age groups.

“The average monthly salary for employees older than 60 years (GH¢14,466) is much higher than that of any other age group, almost five (4.7) times the average of 51 to 60 years, the group with the next highest average. For the age groups up to 41 to 50 years, the average monthly net salary increases by between GH¢300 and GH¢500 from one age group to the next, with an increase of around GH¢200 between 41 to 50 years and 51 to 60 years,” GSS noted.

Per the report from the GSS, the Government of Ghana employs about 688,000 persons, with over one-third (34.8%) of the employees in the Ashanti (18.2%) and Greater Accra (16.5%) regions.

The North East (1.4%) and Savannah regions (1.4%) hold only 2.8 percent of the total number of public sector employees.

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