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Regional News of Sunday, 28 July 2013

Source: joyonline

Govt set to demolish buildings on CSIR land at Frafraha

Government has served notice to encroachers on a parcel of land owned by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research at Frafraha- Accra, that their buildings would soon be demolished.

The Council says the encroachment is making it impossible for them to roll out new research projects.

Earlier this week, suspected land guards attacked staff at the institute, injuring 18 of them.

Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Alhaji Inusah Fuseini, tells Joy News his ministry is committed to enforcing an Accra High Court ruling last year, which named the CSIR as the rightful owner of the property.

“We would take action to ensure those who have trespassed on the land do not continue to be there. People have invested in the land, and we would need careful painstaking examination of the area before you carry out a demolition, lest you visit unfortunate and untoward hardship on people who otherwise should not have been affected by that exercise.”

He added: “we should not allow indiscipline to foster in this our country. People must not take the law into their own hand and do as they please.”

But the property owners there remain defiant. They are daring the minister to carry through with his threat and face their wrath.