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Politics of Saturday, 16 October 2004

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Grand Coalition To Create Police Ministry

As part of her plan to strengthen the police service to fight crime and corruption, the Grand Coalition will create a separate ministry for the police and appoint the IGP to a cabinet position.

This was disclosed in an interview with the Free Press by Mr Danny Ofori Atta, the vice presidential candidate of the Coalition. Mr. Ofori Atta who was emphatic of a resounding victory for the Grand Coalition in the forthcoming election said that since the police was under the Ministry of Interior, it found it difficult to fight political corruption.

He said if it becomes a separate ministry with a cabinet status, it would be able to check other ministers who might indulge in criminal activities. He expatiated that corruption both at the ordinary and governmental levels is one of the major setbacks in nation building efforts hence it needed serious attention to infuse trust in the national economy. He expressed the hope that an effective and more reliable police monitoring team would enhance the image of the country and make it attractive for major investment.

According to the indefatigable running mate who doubles as the leader of the EAGLE Party, the police service lacks the attention and logistics it deserved to enforce law and order in the country.

This his made it possible for indiscipline to eat deep into the fabric of the society. These developments, he said has retarded the progress of the national agenda. He said it voted into power, Ghanaians will see a better government devoid of corruption. He assured the electorate that the Coalition is well focused on its agenda and is ready to provide an alternative government in 2005.