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General News of Thursday, 18 July 2024


Guinness World Record's youngest artist Ace-Liam enjoys lovely birthday party

Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah holds the current World Record for Youngest Artist Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah holds the current World Record for Youngest Artist

Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah, the Ghanaian toddler who holds the Guinness World Record as the youngest artist in the world, was treated to a lovely and convivial party as he turned two on Tuesday, July 16, 2024.

In recognition of his outstanding record, which has further enhanced the image of Ghana in the eyes of the international community, Top Choco, the leading chocolate paste brand in the country, stormed the Aristoland Montessori International School, where Ace-Liam attends, to give him and his classmates an unforgettable birthday treat.

From bouncy castles to dancing competitions to handouts for every school child, Ace-Liam and his classmates enjoyed a lovely second birthday celebration that will forever be etched in their memories as they grow.

Barbara Incoom, the Marketing Director of Alpha Industries Limited, producers of Top Choco, explained that the company has a policy to celebrate outstanding Ghanaians and that Ace-Liam, by virtue of his accomplishment as the youngest artist in the world, deserves the honor.

She explained that as a successful brand, they love to associate themselves with individuals and brands whose achievements evoke inspiration and discipline, and that Ace-Liam, despite his young age, has become an inspirational figure in the country.

Barbara Incoom commended the mother of Ace-Liam for her crucial role in unearthing the talent of the 2-year-old boy and urged Ghanaian parents to glean lessons from it.

Mitzi Zormelo, the proprietress of the school, expressed excitement and gratitude to Top Choco for celebrating Ace-Liam and urged Ghanaians to recognize the outstanding feat of the young boy.

She noted that the school takes pride in the achievement of Ace-Liam and that his record is a manifestation of the school’s policy for helping their students discover their talents.

Madam Zormelo urged Ghanaian mothers not to be interested in just the academic performance of their kids but also to take a keen interest in honing and refining their specific talents.

Chantelle Eghan, the mother of Ace-Liam, was highly appreciative of the gesture by Top Choco and commended them for the gesture, which she believes will motivate her son and other children to invest time in their talents.