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Regional News of Monday, 27 October 2003

Source: GNA

HIV/AIDS Education Campaign in High Risk Areas

Accra, Oct. 27, GNA - The Nobles House of Worship, an HIV Health Education non-governmental organisation (NGO), has held two separate a week's awareness workshops at two suspected high-risk areas of the disease in Accra.

The areas are Komkomba Market and Akoto Lante in the Central Business District of the Metropolis.

Dubbed: "Youth Apprentices AIDS Project", the workshop targeted the youth of the area, in response to calls for increased awareness and to educate the entire population of the two communities on the dangers and the means to avoid contracting the infection.

Briefing the Ghana News Agency after the workshop at the weekend, Mr Alfred Nii Kotey Ashie, Project Coordinator, said the focus area included Adedeinkpo and Korle-Wonkon and targeted at about 12,000 people.

He said one area of HIV/AIDS infection was the common use of toothbrush or chewing sponge by two persons, especially within the stated communities.

He reminded the communities that HIV was transmitted through unprotected sex and the use of un-sterilised needles, blades and such objects.

The Reverend Isaac Van-DerPuije, Founder and Leader of the organization, said he was disappointed that despite the increasing spread of moral education in Christian teachings, a large number of people including Christians were being infected.

"You have to strive to lead good lives, not to indulge in sex before marriage, sticking to your regular partners and from abstaining extra-marital sex."

Rev. Van-Der-Puije quoting the Bible said, people would reap what they sowed, adding, "it is important for everyone to know about the disease and then let others know about it too". Miss Hagar Mensah, HIV/AIDS Facilitator, said there was nothing wrong with being an AIDS activist, saying it was key factor to reducing the infection rate.