General News of Friday, 7 March 2003

Source: Charles Mensah for NH

HIV test for Employees of Accra Brewery

The Human resource Director of Accra Brewery Ltd., Seth A. Aryee has determined that all employees of his company including management should undergo a compulsive HIV test at the cost of the company. But he also insists that the new directive is a testimony of the company?s concern for the well- being of all its employees especially with regards to life threatening diseases like HIV/ AIDS, heart diseases and tuberculosis among others.

According to Mr. Aryee, the company regards the cost of training labour a very expensive programme and so ?it will be detrimental for the company to lose some of the workers over who the company has spent so much to train over so many years.? He submitted that any company that is faced with this problem couldn?t survive the next twenty years.

The purpose of the test is to provide clarity on the HIV status of the employees with regards to assisting those who may contract chronic or life threatening diseases. It is also in fulfillment of a policy has been implemented by the leadership and employees of the company since 2002 Moreover, the company claims it is obligated to play a key national role to acknowledges and address HIV/AIDS as a prime concern for Ghana and a great threat to productivity.

He said the ?test will be conducted at the Police Hospital in Accra to which a document of confidentiality has been signed between the Hospital and the company?. ABL has designed a manifesto and a set of principles that respect the rights of employees under which employees with HIV/AIDS will be treated with compassion and respect in an equitable way.

The manifesto further states that ?the company will provide advice on the rights of infected employees and their colleagues, consultation and advice on conditions of employment and benefits to assist employees in managing their illness from an employment point of view, an educational programme which encompasses behaviour and attitudinal change as well as referral to a network of professionals to provide the required support for employees and their families.

Mr. Aryee said, an employee whose is tested HIV positive will ?never be discriminated against in any form but was quick to point out that new employees will be required to go for HIV test. If they test positive, they would not be employed.