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General News of Thursday, 5 March 2020


Hanna Bissiw jabs Akufo-Addo over LGBT conference

National Women National Women

Opposition NDC National Women’s Organiser, Dr Hanna Louisa Bissiw has railed President Nana Akufo-Addo over what she describes as a subtle attempt to legalize homosexuality in Ghana.

The women's leader insisted the practice is alien to the culture of the country.

She argued that the act will negatively affect the country since it has adverse health implications.

Dr Bissiw in an interview with Oheneba Boamah Bennie Power 97.9 FM alleged that she was aware of the relationship President Akufo-Addo has with homosexuals. She added that they were piling up pressure on the president to legalize their acts in Ghana.

“The visionless president wants to bring gays and lesbians to the country to influence our young ones into that bad act… Homosexuality is a disease. In veterinary you don’t have to condone homosexuality; you have to kill all animals that attempt same-sex mating. Why should we humans do that?” the veterinary physician said.

Gay Conference in Ghana

The former minister was reacting to an alleged conference to be held in Ghana by an International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association from July 27 to 31, 2020.

The 5-day event scheduled to take place in Accra will be the 5th edition being organised by Pan Africa ILGA.

The theme for this year’s conference is, “Sankofa: Looking back to our roots – Reclaiming our right,” the South African-registered group said on its website, reports Joy News.

The onset of the LGBT event has stoked controversy in the country, especially when President Akufo-Addo believes legalizing same-sex can be possible when there is a strong call by the society and its advocates towards that.

“This is a social, cultural issue, I don’t believe that in Ghana so far, a sufficiently strong coalition has emerged which is having that impact on public opinion that will say ‘change it, let’s now have a new paradigm in Ghana,” President Akufo-Addo opined on Aljazeera’s Talk to Al Jazeera hosted by Jane Dutton in November 2017.

But Dr Bissiw believes the president has been receiving favours from advocates of LGBT.

“You can steal from us in Ghana but you can’t change our identity as a people…Even Trump in America has kicked against homosexuality and has told them to get out of his country yet you [president Akufo-Addo] wants to bring this LGBT into this country.”

Dr Bissiw revealed that the LGBT community is very rich who always entice African leaders with huge sums of money to fund their elections and alleged that president Akufo-Addo was ready to take money from them and go on to find a subtle way to get them a platform to influence the Ghanaian youth to join the group.

“He [Akufo-Addo] wants to win souls for Satan yet bribe God with the construction of the so-called national cathedral. His own appointee says he is vision-less,” Dr Bisiw jabbed.

He continued that the president knew about the said LGBT conference and added: “I think if the president wants Ghanaians to accept this nonsense, he should get married to his vice, Dr Bawumia so that we in this country will know they are leading a good example.”

Dr Bissiw vowed to lead a group of women to resist the conference because it will have a negative effect on millions of children in the country.

“There is a group called Stone Throwers Association of Ghana which I am a part of. They throw stones, so if the gays say they are coming to Ghana let them come. We will meet them at the airport and show them where power lies,” she said in Akan.