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General News of Saturday, 25 July 2020


Hawa Koomson committed an 'avoidable, inexcusable gaffe' - Kweku Baako

Editor-in-Chief of New Crusading Guide newspaper, Abdul Malik Kweku Baako Editor-in-Chief of New Crusading Guide newspaper, Abdul Malik Kweku Baako

Veteran journalist, Kweku Baako, has said that the actions of Awutu Senya East MP Mavis Hawa Koomson cannot be excused.

Baako who was speaking on JoyNews, intimated that for a lawmaker who has a great deal of knowledge on the area being a hot spot for election-related violence, her actions leaves a lot to be desired.

Baako wondered why a minister of state and MP will visit a centre with a reputation for violent actions without her security detail.

He believes she could have acted in a way that befits her status as lawmaker and minister, especially after being armed with information about opposition party members' intentions to bus people to the centre, .

“I want to be very blunt, what happened relative to the conduct of member of parliament and a sitting minister of state was an avoidable and inexcusable gaffe. I say this with the recognition that I wasn’t there. My observations, opinions and conclusions are based on eyewitness account and police interventions. I have heard, and the lady herself , putting all together and doing a preliminary analysis of all the issues, I’m still convinced that what happened was avoidable and inexcusable”.

“That place is well known as a hot spot and flash point based on things that have happened there before and based on intelligence reports. So, I assume safely that the MP and minister of state who is contesting that seat and ought to be policing the process according to law, will know that this is the situation. In any case I heard that there was some information which had been sent to her earlier that indicated that some illegalities were ongoing and possible chaos could happen. That’s why I ask myself, why did the MP and minister of state proceed to that hotspot without some preliminary security for herself”? he questioned.

Resignation, sacking and prosecution have been on the lips of many, since Hawa Koomson confessed to firing a shot at a registration centre in Kasoa.

While the Police have began possible prosecution process by inviting her, the government has maintained a loud silence on calls for her dismissal.

Touching on the issue, Baako argued that it will be premature for the President to fire her at a time when police investigations are ongoing.

Baako also noted that the president will be jumping the gun if he makes such move and hence should wait for the police report on the chaos.