Regional News of Friday, 26 September 2014

Source: GNA

Head teachers go to school

Head teachers, School Management Committees (SMCs) and Parent/Teacher Association (PTA) executives from two circuits in the Bolgatanga Municipality have attended a capacity building training.

The workshop was aimed at strengthening cordial relationship between SMCs and PTAs and was sponsored by Afrikids Ghana, a non-governmental organizations operating in Bolgatanga

The 46 participants who were drawn from the Bolgatanga Central Circuit A and B were taken through rudiments of building effective rapport among stakeholders in education within those circuits.

Mr Mark Nabia, a Deputy Regional Director in charge of Supervision at the Ghana Education Service (GES) in the Municipality, said the workshop could not have come at a better time since it provided opportunities for participants to increase knowledge on education policies and programmes of the GES.

Mr Nabia congratulated Afrikids for sponsoring the programme and said the training would help the participants improve on teaching and learning in their schools.

He appealed to the participants to protect school lands from encroachers and ensure that they adopted prudent maintenance culture in managing school property.
