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General News of Saturday, 14 May 2011

Source: The Herald

Headmistress In Trouble Over Defilement Case

By Sedi Bansah

Reports reaching The Herald say that the Madina Police have intensified their search for Mr. Jacob Kwaku Owusu, the pedophile Administrator of the Calvary Methodist Preparatory and Vocational School at Adjiringano in Accra.

Yesterday, the Headmistress, Mrs. Grace Dadson and her teachers – Messrs Nsowa, Amo and Madam Dora Lartey – were at the police station to answer questions on why they failed to hand over Mr. Owusu to the police when he confessed to defiling girls at the school.

The police are yet to talk to the girls, victims of Mr. Owusu’s defilement. Mrs. Owusu, wife of Mr. Owusu, is said to have also been to the police station to provide information on the whereabouts of her husband.

The Herald has gathered that Mrs. Dadson, instead of helping the police to arrest Mr. Owusu, has rather launched a search into how the sex scandal got to The Herald.

When The Herald called Mrs. Dadson on phone at about 4pm yesterday, for an update on what was being done to apprehend Mr. Owusu, she declined to talk after exchanging greetings, allowing the phone to go off.

A subsequent call was picked up by a man who introduced himself as Mr. Dadson, the husband of Mrs. Dadson. When this reporter requested to talk to Mrs. Dadson, Mr. Dadson said she was in the kitchen preparing food for him and that he is a visually impaired man of 73 years who couldn’t send the phone to his wife in the kitchen.

He asked the reporter to call back at 7pm to talk to her.

Mrs. Dadson is reported to have treated Mr. Owusu leniently concerning the scandal. She is believed to have hidden photographs of the 66-year-old runaway pedophile, that were in the school album, thus making the work of the police difficult.

Meanwhile, The Herald has obtained copies of the statements written by the students who were defiled by the Administrator.

The statements by four of the seven students aged between 13 and 15, reveal how Mr. Owusu used substances suspected to be aphrodisiacs to lace drinks he offered them after sending them on an errand.

He undresses the little girls in his office, suck their breasts, after which he forcefully tries to insert his penis into the vagina of the minors from behind.

The Herald is informed that although the school authorities were aware of the reports on Mr. Owusu’s sexual molestations, they did nothing to stop it. Prior to running away, Mr. Owusu confessed to the defilements, and claimed that the devil drove him into it.

Below are the unedited statements by the Junior High School students on Mr. Owusu’s, evil deeds at the Calvary Methodist Educational Complex owned by the Adabraka Calvary Methodist Church in Accra.

Calvary Methodist School 7th April, 2011.


I (name withheld) give a true statement and nothing but the truth on Mr. Jacob Kwaku Owusu’s sexual harassment.

Last term, he called me to his office, and asked me questions about relationship between boys and girls. He asked me how much my boyfriend gives me whenever he sleeps with me. I told him I didn’t have a boyfriend.

He offered to be my very best friend who pays’s my fees, buy me phones, dresses and takes me for shopping if I agreed to his proposal.

One Saturday when I came to see him as he requested, he told me to kiss and hug him, but I refused. He gave me an amount of five cedis, and promised to give me more if I agreed to his proposal. He also made advances towards my friend (name withheld), and as a result her uncle withdrew her from the school.

One time, he called (names withheld) and I to his office, and asked us how often do our boyfriend sleep with us. When I turned down his proposal, he told me that he was going to make my life miserable in the school.



I (name withheld) give the true statement nothing but the truth on Mr. Jacob Kwaku Owusu’s sexual harassment which started on 18th Feb. 2011.

When I came to school on that faithful day, Friday 18th Feb. 2011, I was called by Mr. Jacob Owusu to come to his office. Getting to his office, I was offered a seat. Then, Mr. Owusu asked me if I had a boyfriend, which I replied in the negative.

He then told me he wanted to be my serious boyfriend i.e. boy, girl lover relationship. I told him NO! He then gave me GH¢ 10 to think about it which I took and left his office. All this took place at about 1 O’clock to 2 O’clock.

On the 21st Feb. 2011 which was on Monday at about 6:30 am, I was summoned to his office again and banged the door but it was not locked. He asked if I had accepted his love proposal which I answered as “yes” After that he tried to kiss me. I pushed him off. Then he pushed me into a chair, and then he started pulling off my underwear.

I was locked between a table and him behind me. He then pushed me to a bending position in the chair, and tried to penetrate me from behind like the way dogs do. At this point, I was struggling with him and so found it difficult to penetrate further and then asked me to go away.

After this, whenever he called I went in the company of a friend. Then he would give money worth GH¢10

Calvary Methodist Preparatory School, P. O. Box 1268, East Legon Adjiringanor, 7th April 2011.


I (name withheld) was called by Mr. Owusu to go and sit in the headmistress’ office, and wait for him. When I went there, he came there and said he wanted to be my friend.

He came in and started fondling me and touching me all over my body. Last term, after working in his office, l sent his keys to him only for him to barge in and he started taking off my underwear, my pant and my skirt.

After taking off all these things he started sucking my breast. And afterwards gave me five cedis and swore me to secrecy. This happened on five different occasions and gave me five cedis every time he did this.

Just last two weeks Wednesday he raped me through my anus in the headmistress’ washroom. Yours faithfully (Name withheld)

Calvary Methodist School High Street 7th April, 2011.


I (name withheld) give the true statement nothing but the truth on Mr. Jacob Osei Kwaku-Owusu, concerning his sexual affairs with some students and teachers. He first of all told me that I should be his diary; he begun telling me that he has slept with the following (names withheld) and that (name withheld) was the sexy girl he had ever seen.

He then later got her pregnant. She aborted the baby and also broke her virginity. On 28th March, 2011, around 6:45 GMT, he called me to his office, and told me to prepare him tea; I then saw condom on top of his briefcase. At that moment, I was quiet. Later Madam Dorothy came in at that every moment. She thought I was sleeping with him.

So he said that he will sack me every day. So he said that he was haven an affair with Madam (name withheld), Madam (name withheld), and Madam (name withheld).

Whatever he tells me, I tell a setting friend of mine called (name withheld). He later slapped me all because I told him I would disgrace him for all his sexual harassment he did to my mates. Their names are as follows: (names withheld) and the girl who left because of this.

He then told his girls that I am a bad girl because he taught I will tell them his secret. His secret is that, he uses some herbs, pills and condoms. The herbs he put them in the tea for those who refuses. He later told me that my best friend that she knows how to copulate.

He told me that, if I refuse to have sex with him, he will suspend my class mate called (name withheld) because he said he was my boy lover.

For me he one day sent me to buy him credit. When I returned he was naked standing at the corner of the office. When I saw that I quickly placed the credit and sent the change away before he would get hold of me. This is my statement.