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Regional News of Monday, 30 July 2012

Source: GNA

Help us develop the community – Chief of Mamakrom

Nana Ansah Sasraku II, Chief of Mamakrom, has expressed disappointment in the present and past governments for ignoring the development needs of his community.

He said for a long period, Mamakrom had received no developmental projects from successive governments and this has not helped to improve the standards of living in the community.

“Both past and present governments have shown total neglect of the community which is making lives of the people of Mamakrom very hard and unbearable,” he said.

Nana Sasraku II said this in an interview with Ghana News Agency over the weekend at his residence at Mamakrom in the Ayensuano Constituency of the Eastern Region.

He said the poor nature of the road leading to the community was a major challenge as people had to walk for a long distance to another town to get vehicle to their destinations.

He said the community produced a lot of agriculture products but due to the bad nature of the road, commercial drivers refused to cart the goods to the main buying centres and this was besides the fact that the community also lacked a health care facility which compelled people to walk many kilometers to another community in times of healthcare needs.

Nana Sasraku II said the community had no public place of convenience and people used any suitable place in the environment to attend to nature’s call and appealed to the government to assist the community in their quest to improve their standards of living.

He said he was ready to provide land for any developmental project and that the people were also prepared to support any project with communal labour.

He commended some NGO’s such as ESI Foundation for constructing 11 units classroom block and teachers quarters to improve education and provide bore-holes for the area.**