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Regional News of Tuesday, 12 June 2018


Henakope cries for school feeding

School children queuing for food provided under the school feeding programme School children queuing for food provided under the school feeding programme

Mr Emmanuel Tetteh, Headmaster of Henakope District Assembly (D.A.) Basic School in Adaklu has appealed to government to include the school in the school feeding programme to improve enrollment.

He said hundreds of children in Henakope and Tevikpo were not in school because their parents could not provide them lunch in school, with the local school struggling with only 27 pupil population.

The Headmaster made the appeal when Pencils of Promise, an education focused non-governmental organization handed over a three-unit classroom block with office, furniture, store, washrooms and a poly-tank for water reservation, to the school.

He said the pupils also trek several kilometres to school and expressed the hope that with free lunch from the school feeding programme and a tricycle to convey the pupils to school, enrollment would improve.

Mr Kwame Agbodza, Member of Parliament for Adaklu commended Pencils of Promise for the support and said the District was looking good in education infrastructure.

He assured that stakeholders would work on concerns raised including the construction of a teachers’ bungalow and presented two motorbikes to the supervisory unit of the education directorate in the District and two laptops to the basic school.

Mr Donkor Phanuel Kadey, Adaklu District Chief Executive said education remained the Assembly’s priority and charged teachers in the District to support efforts at keeping the District on top of the Basic Education Certificate Examination league table in the Volta region.

Mr Freeman Gobah, Country Director, Pencils of Promise urged parents to enroll their children and support them to remain in school.