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General News of Friday, 10 April 2020


Herbal medicines can manage coronavirus – Herbalist

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A Ghanaian herbalist, Dr Amin Bonsu, has disclosed the existence of herbal medication that has the potential of giving coronavirus patients reprieve, indicating the medicine has long existed.

Dr. Bonsu is of the firm belief that a stronger collaboration between the Government of Ghana and herbal medicine practitioners will put Ghana in the lead to finding comfort for Covid-19 patients as the world battles the pandemic.

So far, there are over 1.5 million recorded cases of the pandemic and over 90,000 deaths across the globe and energies around the world have been channeled towards containing the situation with the ultimate goal of finding a vaccine for it.

In an interview with TV3, Dr. Bonsu observed the symptoms of Covid-19 are common, noting that certified herbal practitioners have long been treating such symptoms.

“All that I’m saying is that these symptoms are not new to us and we have been treating them and for all what I know is common cold, anything virus, orthodox finds it difficult to treat it, but we don’t find it difficult,” he said.

Speaking to the specifics, Dr. Bonsu explained that “herbal preparations easily treat common cold, fever, headache, prolonged cough”, stating “so we can take care of these as government finds a way of dealing with the virus’’.

According to Dr. Bonsu, the Ghana Health Service has in the past relied on some certified herbal medications to certain ailments, something he believes if considered will go a long way to scale up the fight against the global crisis.

He was, however, quick to add that only certified herbal medicines should be considered for such purpose and not just any herbal preparation.

Even though Dr. Bonsu acknowledged the existence of some collaboration between the herbal practitioners and government agencies, he said a lot more needs to be done in that respect.

‘’What I will appeal is that there must be effective collaboration… in emergency situation you need to think outside the box, because I know ethically and professionally that before your medicine comes, you must do Covid-19 clinical test.”

He has also advised the public to stay at home and comply with the safety protocols of handwashing, social distancing among others to help combat the virus.