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Regional News of Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Source: GNA

High tidal waves caused damage at Apam

Apam (C/R), March 18, GNA - High tidal waves last weekend caused havoc at the shores of Apam in the Central Region. The offices of the Chief fisherman, some residential structures and kiosks were washed away.

Damage caused run into hundreds of Ghana Cedis with some people displaced. Nana Kobina Caiquo, Chief Fisherman who led newsmen to inspect the damage caused, appealed to the government to construct embankment at the low level areas of the shore to check the ravage of the sea from causing further havoc.

Nana Caiquo appealed to the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) to provide the victims with some building materials to enable them to reconstruct the damaged structures. He further appealed to fishermen to ensure that their canoes were firmly anchored against storms as they had entered a season of wind and rainstorms.