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General News of Saturday, 7 August 2010

Source: GNA

High turn-out at NPP flagbearer race in KEEA

Elmina, Aug. 7, GNA - A total of 440 of the 597 eligible voters of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem (KEEA) constituency cast their votes as at 1100 hours on Saturday to elect its flagbearer for the 2010 Presidential Election.

Poll is expected to end at 1500 hours.

When the Ghana News Agency (GNA) got to the Oyster Bay Hotel, venue for the KEEA polls, the general atmosphere was relaxed and the Municipal Electoral Officer, Mr Richard Asenso said, one person had requested for proxy voting but was disallowed.

He said voting started exactly at 0800 hours and that it had been smooth.

There was police presence together with agents of the five candidates.

Mr Percy Dennis, one of the agents, who spoke on behalf of the others, expressed satisfaction that they had not encountered any problem and hoped for a free fair poll adding that at the end of the day it was their great party that must win.

At the Adisadel College Park, where eligible members of the Cape Coast Constituency cast their votes, a lot of party faithful and sympathizers were seen outside the gates waiting for the outcome of the polls.

The atmosphere was calm, but tensed. A total of 505 people of the 655 voters had cast their votes as at 1156 hours and the Metropolitan Electoral Office, Mr Anthony Nyame said, they had not encountered any difficulty.

There was heavy police presence to ensure peace and order.