General News of Wednesday, 15 August 2018


Honorary Consul to Italy provides financial support for school children

Honorary Consul of Ghana to Italy, Massimiliano C. Taricone Honorary Consul of Ghana to Italy, Massimiliano C. Taricone

The Honorary Consul of Ghana to Italy, Massimiliano C Taricone has fully funded a project initiated by a 25-year-old volunteer from Pistoia (Italy); who volunteered to help the underprivileged children of Ghana.

The project which is meant to provide school children with school stationary is to take place is October 2018.

The entrepreneur has been dealing with Ghana for decades, where he is also the owner of several companies along with his family. Taricone did not think for a moment, as soon as he read our newspaper he sent the necessary funds.

The Consul said that «Reading about the mission to help our children was like being reborn to me - he says during his phone interview -. In the midst of the many racial episodes we hear of daily, these are good examples not only to be followed but also to be supported. I wanted to support and encourage this young volunteer by providing her with the full financial support necessary to purchase the school materials for the children to and to make this operation successful to the end when it takes off.

Taricone is the Honorary Consul of Ghana for region of Tuscany in Italy. The adventure of his family in the Ghana began in the 60s when Baron Fiore Taricone left Italy to settle in Ghana in search of new fortune. Sixty years later, the founding company has grown into the Trasacco Group of companies which is present as a leader in various sectors of the Ghanaian economy; a reality that still continues today thanks to the commitment and vision of Massimiliano and his cousins who not only support the economy but are committed to the overall wellbeing of the nation.

«We are committed to building orphanages and helping the most disadvantaged families - he explains - This is why I appreciated this mission. The Consul has reassured that he will provide all the necessary support to ensure that the mission is a success. This mission will start in October and will last for two months.

The volunteer expressed her immense gratitude for the Consuls support of her project "I really do not know how to thank the Console - she says shocked after viewing the fundraising account activated for the mission -. This donation represents a concrete investment in the children and the local economy ".