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General News of Monday, 14 November 2022


How can you sell Saglemi housing project when Collins Dauda is being prosecuted for it? – MP

Former Ministers for Works and Housing, Alhaji Collins Dauda Former Ministers for Works and Housing, Alhaji Collins Dauda

The Member of Parliament for South Dayi, Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor, has questioned the rationale behind the move by the government to sell the Saglemi Housing Project.

Minister for Works and Housing, Francis Asenso-Boakye, disclosed that discussions are ongoing for a private sector developer to assume control of the Government's Saglemi Housing project.

According to him, the developer will be in charge of selling housing units when completed.

Speaking at a press conference in Accra on Sunday, November 13, 2022, Francis Asenso-Boakye said that government could no longer make investments in the project as it was handicapped.

He said, "government doesn't intend to expend more on the completion of the project. Government has decided to sell the project."

"We're allowing for a private sector developer to take up the initiative to build and sell the housing units," he stated.

Reacting to this in a tweet shared on Monday, November 14, Dafeamekpor bemoaned the intent of the government to sell the project even though it is a subject of an ongoing criminal prosecution.

He questioned whether the Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Godfred Dame, is aware of the move.

"This is the most economically depressing piece of policy I've seen from this Govt.

"Is the Attorney-General aware that the Saglemi Housing Scheme, which is a subject of Criminal Prosecution of the Hon Collins Dauda & others in court is being sold to a private person?" parts of the MP's tweet read.

"A Govt goes to get a foreign loan to build affordable houses for her people at home. The loan is granted for that purpose. The affordable houses are built then Govt sells the houses so built to a private person.

"That's pure fraud. Defrauding the people in the name of the People," he added

"A Govt goes to get a foreign loan to build affordable houses for her people at home. The loan is granted for that purpose. The affordable houses are built then Govt sells the houses so built to a private person.

"That's pure fraud. Defrauding the people in the name of the People," he added.

Two former Ministers of Works and Housing, Alhaji Collins Dauda and Kweku Agyeman Mensah, and three others, have been arraigned in court over the Saglemi Affordable Housing infractions.

The five were charged on August 5, 2021, with 52 counts, including causing financial loss to the state.

They are facing charges of intentionally misapplying public property, causing financial loss to the state, and issuing false certificates in the Saglemi Affordable Housing project, which involved the sum of $200M.

Alhaji Collins Dauda, together with Kweku Agyeman Mensah, Alhaji Ziblim Yakubu, Chief Director of the ministry, Andrew Clocanas, Executive Chairman of Constructura OAS Ghana Limited, and Nouvi Tetteh Angelo have pleaded not guilty to all 52 charges.

While Alhaji Collins Dauda was admitted to a self-recognisance bail, Kweku Agyeman Mensah and Alhaji Ziblim Yakubu were granted bail in the sums of $65 million each. In addition, they were to produce three sureties, one of whom should be a public officer.

Andrew Clocanas, the fourth accused person, was also admitted to bail in the sum of $179 million with three sureties, one of whom should be a public servant. Nouvi Tetteh Angelo, the fifth accused person, was admitted to bail in the sum of $13 million with three sureties.

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