Regional News of Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Source: Space FM, Sunyani

Human Resource Vital for Development ? B/A Minister

Space FM, Nyankpala, (N/R) - The Brong-Ahafo Regional Minister, Mr. Ignatius Baffour Awuah, has reiterated that no nation can develop without adequate human resource even though the nation could have abundant natural resources.

He has therefore challenged students to endeavour to excel in their studies to enable them make meaningful contributions to the over all national development.

"As students, you must take your studies serious and make good grades that would qualify you for positions to enable you assist in developing the nation", he said.

Mr. Baffour Awuah was addressing the University of Development Studies (UDS) branch of the Brong- Ahafo Students Union (BASU) at Nyankpala in the Tolon /Kumbugu District in the Northern Region. The occasion was to welcome fresh students from the Brong-Ahafo region to the campus.

Over 200 hundred students from the region were in attendance. There were also students from different regions who were attracted to the programme because of the presence of the region minister. The regional minister said ?God can give you all the natural resources such as gold, diamond, timber among others but if you do not have the human resource to put all those resources to good use, the people would be poor?.

He observed that many communities are sitting on gold and other minerals but of lack of human resource is depriving such communities of development.

Mr. Baffour Awuah commended the BASU members for proudly identifying with the region saying ?the Brong-Ahafo region is blessed with good food, exciting people, conducive climate and weather and a warm culture and for that citizens of the region should be proud?.

The regional minister pointed out that because of the above attributes, the region is gradually becoming the center for most national programmes.

?The Brong-Ahafo region is the heart of the country judging from its strategic location, its people and facilities available, no wonder most conferences and congresses are held in the region?, he noted with pride.

Mr. Baffour Awuah was impressed at the number of students from the region, particularly girls, who are aspiring to greater heights adding that they should not be too satisfied with first degrees but rather aim at second degrees and other executive programmes that would place higher values on them.

?Do not be content with your first degrees. Rather you should go for second degrees, professional as well as executive programmes that would place high value on you|?, he said. ?Very soon, first degrees alone would not be enough for you to make the needed impact?, the minister added.

He urged university students to organize vacation classes for the younger generation especially during the long the vacations. ?By so doing, you would be assisting in providing quality education to many children?, he said.

The regional minister also asked students who do not engage in social activities on campus to take a second look at their decisions because according to him, ?students who are both academically and socially active, tend to make greater impacts in the society after school?. He however reminded the students not to over indulge in socializing at the expense of their education. The president of BASU-UDS, Mr. Agyei Yeboah, commended the regional minister for attending the event. He said ?this is the first time a regional minister is visiting students from his or her region. Indeed your presence has made our day?.

Miss Vera Akyea Darko, a second year medical student, was full of praise for the regional minister. She told Space FM that ?we never knew the minister was so accommodating, infact we thought he could not make it to the programme. He has really inspired us and we are very grateful?.

Mr. Baffour Awuah later visited Grin FM, a campus radio station where he urged the management to always broadcast news and other programmes that would benefit the entire student population. He said in this information communication age, it takes people with enough knowledge in information communication to make that extra impact in the society.

Earlier, Mr. Baffour Awuah visited the Tamale Sports Stadium where he expressed satisfaction with progress of work.