General News of Friday, 24 August 2007

Source: GNA

Human rights annual advocates training

Accra, Aug. 24, GNA - The Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) in collaboration with the West and Central Africa Human Rights Institute (WACAHRI), is organising the second human rights training programme on the theme: Human Rights and Development: The UN Millennium Development Goals. The two-week programme to be held in Accra, will bring together, 30 participants from Benin, Burundi, Chad, Gambia, Mauritania, Guinea Bissau, D.R. Congo, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Liberia and Ghana. Renowned human rights experts and advocates from international and regional human rights institutions will take trainees through four of the eight MDGs namely, Health and Human Rights, Environment and Human Rights, Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment and the Rights of Children.

The WACAHRI's annual human rights advocates training programme is the product of deliberations between the Centre for the Study of Human Rights of the Columbia University in USA, and the MFWA, Ghana, to strengthen the capacity of human rights advocates, and leaders of various human rights NGOs in West and Central Africa through advanced training. Founded in 2004, WACAHRI has its office in Accra, Ghana. This year's programme starts on August 27 to September 7, 2007. 24 Aug. 07