Regional News of Friday, 18 March 2005

Source: GNA

Human rights group, Clinic to establish radio station on health

Accra, March 18, GNA - Rabito Clinic in Accra on Friday announced that it was planning with the African Commission of Health and Human Rights Promoters to establish a radio station this year to exclusively disseminate information on health.

Dr Edmund Delle, Director of the Rabito Clinic, noted that the delivery of health information in the country was poor and shrouded in too much secrecy, necessitating a mass medium to reach and educate the people on a constant and regular basis on important issues on health. Dr Delle was speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) after a press briefing where the Commission, with a French acronym CAPSDH, announced a scheduled outreach programme, "AIDS Prevention Through Health and Human Rights Promotion" for selected higher institutions of learning in the Greater Accra Region.

Some of the institutions are the Ghana Medical School, Institute of Professional Studies, Methodist University, Central University College and 2nd Image Academy.

Dr. Delle placed the protection and promotion of human rights at the centre in the fight against HIV/AIDS and said despite repeated education on the menace, the number of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWAHs) was increasing due to low condom use and negative attitudes. Dr Delle, who is also the President the CAPSDH, called for more proactive and practical strategies, in addition creating avenues to reduce the fear of stigmatisation.

Community support, counselling and creation of avenues for frank and free discussion of the disease, would create a better understanding of the situation of the PLWHA and further reduce stigmatisation and discrimination.

Dr Delle said it was also necessary to give out positive messages on HIV/AIDS to reduce the perceived scare that contributed to the marginalisation.

Government and judicial institutions must also pay keen attention to the protection and defence of the rights of PLWHA. Dr Delle said it was now possible to prevent the transmission of the virus at birth and also treat the disease with anti-retroviral drugs.

He said the disease could be treated, and a person could lead a normal life, if the disease were diagnosed early, in addition to proper nutrition and physical care. 18 March 05